The world is continually changing: a few common examples include the way that people work, dress and communicate with each other. If you follow the world of sports, then you’ve probably noticed that it’s seen some drastic changes over the past few years. The way of showing confidence in the team’s performance has also changed, fans can get the monkey knife fight promo code to claim the offer and still profit from it. Activities that were seen as “hobbies” or “pastimes” are now viewed as legitimate sports.
Whether you like to play or simply enjoying watching, you can expect to see a lot more of the following sports in 2020.

For years, many people viewed skateboarding as a dangerous pastime for teenagers and young adults — this is no longer the case.
This past year, Olympic officials announced that skateboarding would be added to the Summer Olympics sports roster. Since this announcement, people of all ages and genders have been flocking to this extreme sport.
So, what sparked this sudden change of heart?
Although there’s no clear answer, many believe that it’s partially due to the sport’s accessibility. You can skateboard practically anywhere: your driveway, an abandoned parking lot or your local skatepark. Because of this, people from all around the world can try their hand at a fun and exciting sport.
Axe Throwing
Although the bar sport has only been around for a handful of years, there’s no denying that axe throwing leagues are popping up around the country.
For those that don’t know, axe throwing, which originates from Canada, is somewhat similar to darts, but with some very crucial differences. Players throw items at targets in an attempt to score more points than their competitors.
But, this is where the similarities end.
In comparison to traditional playing darts, throwing axes are much larger and heavier. Throwing axes also require a different throwing technique — thankfully, if you schedule a private session, you can get one-on-one lessons from an axe throwing coach. This will give you a chance to learn the intricacies of the sport and master your axe throwing technique.
If you want to have a great night with your friends or family, you should book an axe throwing session as soon as possible! After one session, you’ll see why axe throwing’s popularity has been growing at such a rapid pace.
Rock Climbing
Another addition to the 2020 Olympics, rock climbing is a sport that everyone should be keeping an eye on.
Rock climbing (also referred to as sport climbing) is an individual activity that is satisfying to try and watch. This sport is extremely physical, as it works several muscles in your upper and lower body.
There are three different types of rock climbing:
- Bouldering
- Speed climbing
- Lead climbing
For those that aren’t familiar with the differences, bouldering is a technical style of rock climbing that requires the athlete to free climb up the obstacle.
On the other hand, speed climbing forces athletes to go head-to-head in a race to the top of the wall. This climbing style makes for some intense moments for both the athletes and the audience.
Finally, lead climbing requires the athletes to follow a set path while attached to climbing ropes.
Although you might not have seen much of them in the past, you can count on seeing a lot more of the sports listed above in 2020.