To celebrate the launch of Grand Theft Auto IV, video game retailer Game Crazy is holding midnight launch events at which fans can win exclusive prizes and limited-edition merchandise, including a specially designed GTA IV-themed faceplate for the Xbox 360.
Game Crazy has not indicated it will have any exclusives for PS3 owners, although to be fair, that console cannot be customized in the same way as the Xbox 360.

All Game Crazy stores will have launch events beginning at 8 p.m. on April 28, with 10 markets also having “Extreme GTA IV Experience” events starting at the same time. A list of the “Extreme Event” markets is at this link.
Customers who attend one of the “Extreme GTA IV Experience” events will receive a special text-to-win number that enters them into a drawing to win two airplane tickets to anywhere in the United States and $1,000 in spending money. The winner will be notified at the store shortly after midnight on April 29. All other Game Crazy stores will have a different text-to-win number for a similar drawing.