Microsoft released its first Xbox One firmware update last Friday to tweak a few system features that users had been asking for. That was all well and good — until some people reported what could only be described as an Xbox One Black Screen of Death that caused the console to freeze-up at points for no apparent reason.
The Xbox One Black Screen of Death reference is a reference to the “blue screen of death” that’s synonymous with system errors on a Windows PC. The difference with the Xbox One black screen issue, however, is that no message was provided. The screen just goes blank.
Many Xbox One users who downloaded the firmware update on Friday or over the weekend saw their screens go black after pressing the Xbox Button on their wireless controllers. A number of users, including on the official Xbox One support forums, said the audio still worked but all on-screen visuals went black.
Microsoft has since issued an official response for how to fix the Xbox One black screen issue. Although it doesn’t indicate the root cause of the problem, the fix seems to work. Until the screen goes black again…. Here’s the official response for how to fix the Xbox One black screen issue:
[This issue] can be addressed by the player by holding the Xbox One power button on the console for 10 seconds to restart.
Simple enough, yes? If you have encountered the Xbox One black screen of death, let us know in the comments if this advice for how to fit it actually works. For that matter, let us know what the Xbox One black screen interrupted, and whether it totally hosed your Titanfall beta multiplayer match.
The firmware update that seems to have caused the Xbox One black screen issue added a battery power indication and USB keyboard support, and it gave Xbox One owners improved control and management over their HDD space. The next major Xbox One update will arrive in March just before the launch of Titanfall on Xbox One.