A rather major update is now available via Steam for Audiosurf, the music-adapting puzzle racer where players use their own music to create their own experience. The release, called the FM Update, is available for free via Steam.
The FM Update for Audiosurf introduces a host of new features and content, including last.fm audioscrobbling, the
ability to run Audiosurf as a music visualizer and scoreboard comments. There’s also a Mod interface for developers. Several Audiosurf extensions are already available for the Mod, including Shuffle Play, an MSN Messenger status writer and a context menu that can launch Audiosurf directly into a song by right-clicking it in Windows Explorer.
Audiosurf owners will automatically receive the free FM Update by connecting to Steam, where Audiosurf itself is available for $9.99. The “game” includes The Orange Box Soundtrack.
For gamers not familiar with Audiosurf, the game uses players’ own music to determine the shape, speed and mood of each ride. Points are earned for clustering together blocks of the same color on the highway. The game also
lets compete with others online for the highest score on any song they own.