LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures shipped today for the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2 and DS, giving gamers on darn near every platform the opportunity to play as their favorite fedora-wearing hero.
Developed by Traveller’s Tales, the same developer of the awesome LEGO Star Wars games, LEGO Indiana Jones upholds the LEGO games’ tongue-in-cheek humor by presenting a humorous take on the first three Indiana Jones movies.
The subtitle “The Original Adventures” implies that LucasArts may eventually release an updated version of the game that includes levels from The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but as we all know, that can only happen if this first game sells well. So, get out there and by the game if you want to see Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom and The Last Crusade built and torn down brick by brick.