All sorts of new Mirror’s Edge news today… First, PS3 and Xbox 360 owners will get new downloadable Time Trial levels in late January, with PS3 owners getting one level for free. Second, a PC version of Mirror’s Edge will release in mid January.
First, the DLC news. PS3 and Xbox 360 owners will get their first taste of new Mirror’s Edge Time Trial modes in late January as DICE releases nine races across seven all-new Time Trial maps. These new maps will have no guns, no cops and no city. They’re all about agility. The Mirror’s Edge DLC pack will be available for $10 on PS3 or 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox 360. However — here’s the PS3 kicker — all PlayStation 3 Mirror’s Edge fans will be able to download an additional map for free.
The PC version of Mirror’s Edge will ship to retailers in North America on Jan. 13, 2009, with worldwide retailers getting it on Jan. 16. EA did not specify whether the PC version would include the new Time Trial DLC, or whether it would simply be a ported version of the core game.