Monster Hunter World is a popular gaming franchise mainly due to its exhilarating monster combats. It has been the home to an equally exciting community of players all over the world for almost 3 years now. And its well-crafted weaponry plays a huge part in its success.
So, it’s about time that we throw some light on the Monster Hunter World weapons tier list. In this blog, we present to you the best to worst weapons to be used in both multiplayer and solo play modes.
Monster Hunter World Weapon Tier List For Multiplayer Mode
- Hunting Horn
The Hunting Horn is a beneficial piece of weaponry to yield at a battlefield. It complements other heavyweight weapons well enough and is a great asset to own. Moreover, it can also heal your allies and deal massive damage to your target.
- Hammer
As long as inflicting damage is in question, the hammer is the best weapon in the entire monster hunter weapon tier list. Hammer seconded with a couple of agile builds can take on any monster quickly.
- Switch Axe
The switch axe is beneficial to have when you are playing with allies. When used in the sword mode, it inflicts a great deal of damage on your target. Also, it can adapt very well to several playing styles.
- Insect Glaive
The Insect Glaive is the perfect weapon you need if you are looking for better navigability. You can drop the Insect Glaive on your enemies as that would give your group a massive advantage. Moreover, it is also easy to mount when you are setting up your team. It’s a good choice of weapon as long as you are not bothered by too much essence management.
- Light Bowgun
A lot of players prefer the light bowgun to its heavy counterpart. The reason being that the light bowgun is better for multiplayer gaming. It is very portable and has high damage potential. You can increase the damage by using it with mines. Overall, a light bowgun is great for your squad as it is highly efficient and needs the least effort on your part.
- Lance
Your team will enjoy a great deal of utility when armored with the lance. Firstly, it offers excellent reach and has an amazing ability to cut tails. Moreover, it is good for charging your targets too. Players often prefer a lance to a hammer mainly because the former doesn’t hurt or hit your team members.
- Charge Blade
The charge blade inflicts a crazy amount of burst damage to the targets. This comes in handy while taking part in speed-running contests. In fact, it is a better alternative to a Dual Blade as far as cutting tails are concerned. It is a decent weapon assuming that you don’t mind the inconvenience caused while using it in the axe mode.
- Great Sword
Using a great sword could be very beneficial when you plan to inflict damage on individual targets. It offers decent defense alternatives but apart from that, it does not add much value to the team.
- Longsword
Longsword is useful due to its excellent damage potential. Moreover, it becomes more useful when used with a Hammer or a Lance.
Monster Hunter World Weapon Tier List For Solo Play
- Heavy Bowgun
Heavy Bowgun is undoubtedly one of the top weapons in all of the Monster Hunter World weapon tier list. Its damage output is amazing and hence, it proves to be a great addition to your weaponry. This beast is easy to use and can also be considered while playing in a team.
Moreover, it is ranged and hence, offers safe usability. It does have restricted ammo but you can have it restocked at the camp. This weapon is way ahead of all other weapons mentioned in this list and can be used alone as well.
- Greatsword
This modern weapon could prove to be a dependable companion given that you know the correct way to use it. It comes with mixed defense abilities that can allow an experienced player to get out of harm’s way easily. Despite having comparatively smaller reach, it is of great use in close range combats against bulkier monsters.
- Bow
This weapon is good for inflicting damage at a longer range. The bow is not as good as a heavy bowgun but it works well enough for a bit closer range than the latter’s usability. Moreover, its mobility is excellent when compared with other ranged weapons. The only drawback is that some specific monsters such as Elder Dragon are not much affected when attacked with a bow.
- Light Bowgun
This weapon is good for inflicting damage at a quick pace over longer ranges. It comes with limited ammunition and does not cause much damage. Overall, it is great for beginners and ensures that you are very much alive after an encounter.
- Dual Blades
Dual Blades are adapted for a fast playing style. And in fact, these are the fastest of all weapons in this monster hunter world weapon tier list. You can get into and out of combats quickly and that would badly affect the enemy’s health.
Moreover, when used in the Demon Mode, you need to charge it up until a certain metric. This would massively enhance the damage output. Keep in mind that you need to be confident with your moves since the Dual Blades aren’t defensive enough.
- Gun Lance
The main point of difference between a gun lance and lance is that the former can deal a great amount of damage. Besides, it offers amazing defense and shielding methods. However, explosions can take a toll on its sharpness and it doesn’t allow much mobility.
- Insect Glaive
This is the ideal weapon you need to participate in aerial combats. The reason being that it allows you to approach the aerial battle in multiple ways. Its maneuverability is pretty good and so you can always count on it if you make a mistake. Moreover, it is excellent for mounting gigantic enemies, assuming that you are fine with low damage.
- Sword and Shield
Sword and Shield are great in terms of versatility and mobility. However, you cannot speed run while attacking enemies with this. All in all, it is an average weapon good for minor combats.
There you go, that was the entire Monster Hunter World Weapon Tier list. We have listed down the most-suited weapons for each tier (for both Multiplayer and Solo modes). The weapons listed in this guide for every tier are according to the preferability of the community of Monster Hunter World players. Hopefully, you would have found it useful. Thanks for reading!