In an epic event sure to test our hemisphere’s bandwidth as never before, trillions of rollergirls are expected to be hooking up their Nintendo Wii consoles to the internet today, and downloading Earth’s first-ever roller derby game of consequence, Jam City Rollergirls, available as of right now on Nintendo’s WiiWare service.
Priced at 1000 Nintendo Points, the estimated quadrillions of Nintendo Points changing hands today as a result of Jam City’s long-awaited release could have unforeseen effects on global currency markets, especially those of the Western Hemisphere, home to the game’s five real-life Women’s Flat Track Derby Association teams: New York’s Gotham Girls Roller Derby, Seattle’s Rat City Rollergirls, Austin’s Texecutioners, Milwaukee’s Brewcity Bruisers, and Madison’s Mad Rollin’ Dolls. This arcade sports game features fast-skating, hard-hitting, women’s roller derby action — in venues both logical and outrageous – and combines straight-up derby with powerups, hazards, jumps, and other keystones of arcadey goodness.
Play a full derby season against worthy opponents for the championship, or play against a friend head-to-head – but however you play it, play it ’til your thumbs are sore!