When a big game comes out, there’s nothing gamers hate more than having to wait to play it or waiting in line to pick it up. Well, customers of Amazon.com just got a big boost in the arm in that regard, as Amazon today unveiled release-date-delivery for four new games on every console.
The two biggest games to be affected by Amazon’s release-date-delivery special are Fable 2 and Gears of War 2, but it also applies to Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Pre-order links are included below.
Here’s how the deal works: for $5.98, Amazon customers can upgrade their shipping option for guaranteed delivery of these four titles on the first day of public availability. The deal applies to all addresses within the continental United States.
Amazon Prime customers will receive release-date-delivery for free.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 (pre-order for PS3) (pre-order for Xbox 360
) will be released on Aug. 26. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (pre-order for Xbox 360
) (pre-order for PS3
) (pre-order for Wii
) will be released on Sept. 16. Fable 2 (pre-order
) will be released on Oct. 21, and Gears of War 2 (pre-order
) will release on Nov. 7.
To browse Amazon’s entire selection of video games, check out the Amazon video game section.