Escape From Tarkov is one of the most intense online First Person Shooter games out there. The game has been tailor-made to make you feel the heat with its ultra-realistic gameplay and mechanics. You simply cannot escape the fire!
The game offers a trimmed down UI with a high focus on gameplay and the mechanics inside. Each of the mechanics for healing, shooting, in-game economy, and even the customization of gear are highly detailed.
Unlike other first-person shooter games, Escape From Tarkov requires you to proceed more tactically to win. Rage shooting at your opponents will do you no good, and in most cases, the game will even punish you for doing so.
When you die in this game you lose every piece of equipment you had on you. Many factors like this add to the intensity of the game and push you to feel that addictive adrenaline rush as you play.
The developers have also invested a lot of time to design an extremely detailed gun customization system, intricate armor, and ammo options as well as great sound design that will surely have you gripped.
In order to have high success as you play the game, you must have the right settings. When you play in online lobbies there will always be people that might hold an advantage with regards to the machine. But having the right settings can level the playing field and make you even more competitive.
Having a powerful machine does help gameplay, as the settings can be maxed out, but this is not the case with many players. That’s why we must look into tweaking the setting to give us the best advantage.
What We Want To Achieve
The core or main idea behind any setting change is the same, maximize frames per second while either improving or maintaining visual clarity. For you to have a good advantage you must not have any setting compromising sight or vision.
However, in the hunt to make the game run fast we must not sacrifice your ability to run the game smoothly. Choppy gameplay appeals to no one and can only hinder your progress in the game
The more choppy the game becomes the lower your reaction speed to incidents in the game. Ultimately leading to a poor performance, which is something we don’t want.
The best way to achieve this would be to firstly explore the game setting. Then we take note of what setting affects which core principle. We need to see if a certain setting affects the FPS more or visual clarity. Once we have mapped this out we can clearly make decisions that can help us better our game.
There are a few basic settings that we can change right off the bat.
- Always Show Interface Elements – Off.
- Enable NVidia Highlights – Off
- Auto RAM Cleaner – On.
- Only Use Physical Cores – On.
- FOV – 60.

Screen capture
The FOV setting or the Field Of Vision setting is one of those settings you wanna tweak yourself. But just bear in mind that you have to keep it at a comfortable level to not give yourself a headache as you look at the visuals.
Another reason why we suggest you stick to a lower FOV is because, as the field of view increases you are putting pressure on the machine to load more assets. This will in turn affect one of our core principles, the FPS negatively.
The Auto RAM cleaner is another one of those settings that comes very much in handy when you are seeking good performance. This setting keeps the RAM in check by ensuring that the RAM usage does not go over 70 percent. Any clutter that builds is automatically cleaned.

Screen capture
The graphics settings tab is where you will be making the most changes. When you are playing competitively it’s better to have your game running smoothly than to have it look the best so here are the changes to the settings that suggest.
- Screen Resolution – your screen’s native resolution is.
- Aspect Ratio – Your native aspect ratio.
- Screen Mode – Full Screen.
- V-Sync – Off.
- Overall Graphics Quality – The second-lowest or lowest settings.
- Texture Quality – Medium.
- Shadows Quality – Low.
- Overall LOD Quality – 2.
- Overall Visibility – 400.
- Shadow Visibility – 40.
- Anti–Aliasing – Off.
- Resampling – 1x Off.
- HBAD – Off.
- SSR – Off.
- Anisotropic Filtering – Off.
- Sharpness – Somewhere in the middle.
- Lobby FPS Limit – 50.
- Game FPS Limit – 120.
- Z-Blur – Off.
- Chrome Aberrations – Off
- Noise – Off
- Grass Shadows – Off
Screen Resolution
You should typically use your native screen resolution but if your PC is struggling to render the game then as a last resort you can change the resolution to a smaller one. This will however produce a less sharp and more pixelated image but will surely improve the frames.
Aspect ratio
The aspect ratio is by default set to set to your native value. You can however change things up to better your performance. The default will mostly be around 16:9, while few others choose 16:10. A few old school gamers also prefer the 4:3 aspect ratio.
The Vsync setting should be turned off because it can sometimes create an input lag, which is highly undesirable.
Overall Graphics Quality
The overall graphics quality can be either set to low or the setting immediately above that to get good performance from your machine. If your machine is powerful enough, then we suggest bumping it up to mid or high settings otherwise sticking to the lower settings will be your best bet.
Texture Quality
This basically renders the texture on the various surfaces in the game. If you have good RAM you can bump this setting into high and with little effect on FPS. But if your machine can’t keep up then you will sometimes experience the game stutter while playing.
Shadow Quality
Few competitive players completely turn off the shadow setting so as to see their opponents better. But we do not recommend you go this far as it pulls away from the realism the developers have put so much effort in crafting
Object LOD
This is another one of the important settings that can help performance. The LOD or level of detail is the value that determines the number of polygons rendered for each object in the game.
Higher the polygon count, better the visual clarity and lower the count, better the performance.
Anti Aliasing
This is a very important setting in terms of gaining performance. The recommended setting is TAA but if you are still facing certain issues you can set this to nil and gain a boost in performance.
So these are some of the best game settings for Escape From Tarkov. Playing with these settings can give you a tactical advantage on lower-end PCs making the game more competitive.
Let us know how these settings helped you improve your game, you can also share your suggestions for the best setting for Escape From Tarkov down below in the comments section.