Who is kai’sa?
She is the daughter of the Void, and she’s a Marksman and Assassin class, making her one of the moderately tricky champions to master in League of Legends. Kai’Sa is one of the most lethal marksmen in the game. So, you’ll want to build up and maximize her Attack Damage as much as possible.

- Kai’sa can deal heavy damage by dividing into the foe’s backline, and she’s capable of firing at long ranges without issues and becoming invisible
- Determined and a deadly hunter
- An apex hunter
- A fearless survivor
- Second Skin: The basic passive form of Second Skin allows KaiSa’s basic attack to deal an additional 4 to 10 magic damage.
- Passive (Caustic Wounds): Kai’Sa’s basic attacks and Void Seeker alongside her allies’ immobilizing effects and polymorphs can mark enemy units with plasma stacks for 4 seconds.
- Living Weapon: When KaiSa successfully gains a set amount of permanent stats from items and stat growth, she can evolve her abilities. Every ability is tied to one specific stat from items.However, the upgrade is lost if the stat requirement isn’t met.
- Icathian Rain: When casting Icathian Rain, KaiSa will release a swarm of six missiles evenly distributed among nearby visible enemy units, each one hitting their target—dealing physical damage.Enemy minions with 35% health or below take double damage from Icathian Rain. Meanwhile, enemy monsters take 25% damage from missiles beyond their first.
Here Are Some Tips And Tricks
Remember that you can re-engage with KaiSa’s Killer Instinct if the enemy retreats with stacks of plasma on them.
- Second Skin can only work off of bonus stats from Champion Levels and Items, not runes.
- You can use Icathian Rain while under Supercharge windup to fire rockets during Supercharge’s disarm period.
- Void Seeker has a noticeable cast time for enemy units to flee or dodge, so use it to gank.
- Void Seeker’s range is more extensive than Killer Instinct, so use this skill when you plan on diving into enemy territory.
- Kai’Sa’s Void Seeker does more damage based on the number of plasma stacks on enemy units, making it a great “finisher.”
- When Supercharge is in its initial disarm period, Kai’Sa can’t engage.
- Avoid always using Killer Instinct to engage with enemy units as repositioning can place Kai’Sa on a tender side of the fight.
- Like Vi’s ultimate, Killer Instinct is better for Kai’Sa to use after baiting out the enemy’s flash and other escape abilities to stop them.

The Best Supports for Kai’sa in League of Legends
- Xerath: He is an Ascended Magus of ancient Shurima, a being of arcane energy writhing in the broken shards of a magical sarcophagus. He was trapped beneath the desert sands
- Zyra: She is an absolute dream to pair with Kai’Sa, especially after her buffs. Her extremely different qualities and damaging abilities and power makes them super unpredictable on the battlefield.
- Blitzcrank: Blitzcrank setups Kai’Sa a lot better since he grabs the target toward them. Kai’Sa can quickly throw her abilities at the hooked target and bring him or her into lethal range. The target can’t even run away, considering that Blitzcrank has a silence and a knock up coming from his ultimate and E respectively. Blitzcrank is the other champion you should be looking to play with the Void marksman. You might need a few games to know exactly how to make the combos work, but it will be worth the time.
- Alistar: Alistar is one of the best engage tank supports you can find in this game.He uses his abilities to neutralize enemies attempts to kill Kai’Sa. Alistar can cleanse crowd control and reduce the damage he takes so he can tank for longer.
- Nautilus: Kai’sa and Nautilus are probably the best combo . By providing shield and 100% coverage to Kai’Sa , so that she can hit and use her burst damage to take down the enemy. Kai’Sa just has to follow Nautilus and closely watch so that she can attain maximum kills with her power of auto attacks and abilities. Nautilus and Kai’Sa go hand in hand and have good levels of proficiency and coordination.
- PYKE: Bandage Toss, he has two opportunities to land his engagement and start his trades. Paired with Kai’Sa’s good burst damage with her Q-AA-W combo, they can quickly chunk down a target.
That said, the real reason you pick Amumu support with Kai’Sa is the ability to apply crowd control to multiple targets with his ultimate.
- Maokai: They blend perfectly when it comes to beating down the enemies. They are very vulnerable, can control the battlefield.

One big thing to note is that Living Weapon goes off of Kai’Sa’s permanent stats. So, if she gets a temporary buff from an item or ally, her abilities will not change. Only full item bonuses and normal stat upgrades through leveling will activate these additional effects. This means that if you’ll want the bonus from Void Seeker, you’ll actually have to build an ability power item. Guinsoo’s Rageblade is a great item that provides ability power and synergizes with her kit, but if that isn’t enough you’ll have to decide for yourself if the Living Weapon bonus is worth a second item.