With just one week before Xbox 360, PS3 and PC shooter fans get their hands on Brink, Bethesda sent along a three-minute video tutorial outlining the game’s HUD made entirely of in-game footage. If you’ve not yet seen Brink or haven’t heard much about it, this video will go a long way toward showing what the game looks like and how it plays, from multiplayer matches all the way down to the single-player game.
Today’s video of the Brink HUD is the fourth in a series of “Get SMART” videos regarding the various aspects of the upcoming shooter. We’ll have a full review of Brink next week, but this video — and a few others we’ll post soon — should whet your appetite for the new FPS. Pre-order links from Amazon are below the video, for those who are interested.
If you’d like to pre-order Brink from Amazon.com, you can do so using any of these three links: Brink for Xbox 360, Brink for PS3
and Brink for Windows PC