Amazon is running a fantastic promotion on Blu-ray Discs today through April 18: buy two get one free. PlayStation 3 owners and anyone who owns a stand-alone Blu-ray Disc player should take a serious look at this special, because Amazon is also running some great discounts on Blu-ray movies that have already been released.
The deal, available here, applies to all Blu-ray movies, including those that haven’t yet hit stores. So, if you’ve been considering pre-ordering National Treasure 2, for instance, you can place your pre-order and still take advantage of the deal.
Amazon’s Blu-ray discount is also nice for anyone who’s been on the fence about certain movies. After all, if there are two Blu-ray movies you’ve been wanting to get and a third that you’ve been debating, now you can get the third movie for free. If you don’t like it, put it up on eBay, and you’ve actually made money on the deal.
Again, you can take advantage of this deal at this link.