The Call of Duty 4 Variety Map Pack is now available on the PlayStation Store. The map pack had previously been released on Xbox Live Marketplace.
The Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Variety Map Pack features four new multiplayer maps: Broadcast, featuring tight corridors and wide-open parking lots where large groups will utilize close-quarter fighting and strategic maneuvers; Chinatown, where night battles well lit by the full moon can play havoc against a backdrop of brightly colored lamps, antique shops and neon signs of the local district; Killhouse, a desolate warehouse under enemy attack where squads will need to move through building mock-ups and plywood walls in order to take control of the combat arena; and Creek, a wide-open village in a heavily wooded area where battles are fought among high ridgelines and deep in underground caves.
Much like it did with the COD4 Variety Map Pack for Xbox 360, Activision is hosting a “Double XP Weekend” this weekend for PS3 gamers. During this time, players can earn twice as many experience points as they battle gamers from specific playlists on the new multiplayer maps. The festivities start at 12:01 GMT on April 25 and run through 11:59 PST on April 27.
PS3 owners will also get to play with developers from Infinity Ward on April 25 from 2 pm to 5 pm EST and 8 pm to 11 pm EST. Make sure to add the following PlayStation Network IDs to your friend’s list: fourzerotwoiw, COD4Justin, COD4David, COD4Drew, COD4Neel, COD4Ed, COD4Bryan and COD4Brian.