The multiplayer beta for Call of Duty: World at War went live today on Xbox 360, with a PC version coming soon. A PS3 version, however, is nowhere to be seen, reinforcing Activision’s apparent preference for Microsoft platforms for multiplayer betas.
Xbox 360 owners can be guaranteed entry into Call of Duty: World at War beta by pre-ordering the game at GameStop (online or offline), or they can “hope for the best” by registering to become members at the COD Web site.
The Call of Duty: World at War multiplayer betas will last for only a few weeks; the full retail games ships November 11.
In the COD: World at War beta, gamers can play as the U.S. Marines, German Wehrmacht, Japanese Imperial Army and Russian Red Army factions in a variety of game types (Team Death Match, Free-For-All, Capture the Flag and War). The games will take place on three different maps: Castle (located on the grounds of an ancient, Japanese castle), Makin (U.S. vs. Japan in a nighttime fight on the Makin Atoll), and Roundhouse (a daytime battle that features tank and infantry combat in a war-torn European train depot).