Ladies and gentlemen! Today I would like to confirm that Dead Nation does indeed feature online co-op play! You will be able to team up with your friends either sharing the same couch or via the PlayStation Network against the undead invasion and start blasting thousands of zombies into pieces and piling up the bodies. All of this and much more is included in Dead Nation, check out the Know Your Enemy trailer.
Originally, online co-op wasn’t going to be included as a launch feature, as the schedule and resources didn’t allow it. However, after many late night play testing sessions and long talks with Sony Computer Entertainment, we decided that this was a must-have feature and it would be unfair to you if we launched without it! At this point, our coders went from working 12 hour days to working 16 hour days as well as weekends! Fortunately I think what we came up works really well. Check out these new co-op screenshots and see for yourself!
The online co-op fully matches the offline experience. Enjoy the full co-op experience with hundreds of on-screen zombies, huge explosions, blowing up zombies into a plethora of pieces and bloody entrails scattered around.
In addition to the coders working non-stop, the designers and artists felt it was only fair to throw themselves into the mix and created big gameplay levels with tons of replay value, adding weapon upgrade system and cool weapons to bring a new tactical dimension to the gameplay.