“Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga represents one of the greatest values for RPG fans thus far this year,” said Aram Jabbari, Manager of PR and Sales at Atlus. “Also, it has dragons. It offers Xbox 360 system owners a polished, balanced experience, with a completely redone graphics engine and overhauled interface that delivers on the full promise of Divinity II. Moreover, it doesn’t just depend on stats and loot to earn its ‘RPG’ moniker. Did I mention it has dragons in it, and that you can become one? The Dragon Knight Saga provides gamers with difficult choices, often with no clear right or wrong, that have lasting effects on the player character and the world they inhabit. With over 100 hours of content via what is essentially two adventures in one package, meaningful character progression, memorable quests, fast-paced action RPG combat, and the thrill of flying and dogfighting as a gigantic dragon–did I mention the game has dragons?–and all for only $39.99, it’s hard to find a better bang-for-buck purchase right now.”