Epic Games recently rolled out Chapter 2 Season 2 in Fortnite Battle Royale. This brought about changes to Fortnite items, locations on the map, new Fortnite item shop features, and much more. Needless to say, a lot has changed within the landscape as of late. With these changes, you could be forgiven for making the odd mistake or two. With that in mind, here is a list of errors that you may come across during your time in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2.

Avoiding the Storm
The new season has seen a lot of meta changes and more come into the game. Perhaps the most common mistake so far that we have seen is not rotating on time. A popular trait at the moment is players being caught out by the storm. This is something that was often seen where players would be stuck between leaving too early and getting caught in a firefight, or the same thing happening within the storm.
This is more of an issue with the new update due to the changes with the map, as well as the items that are available to you. With the removal of the Loot Lake warp, a lot of players are choosing to use boats as another way of avoiding the storm. Whilst this is a viable tactic, it isn’t the most subtle when it comes to the amount of noise they make. This makes you easy prey for your foes, and should be avoided where possible. Therefore, avoiding the storm on foot may be the best option to take, so it’s important that you plan ahead in these situations.
The use of shotguns is a popular choice in any kind of shooting game. This is just as true in Fortnite Battle Royale, though it isn’t always the best option. In particular, it’s the use of weaker shotguns (or pumps) that don’t serve you very well in many situations.
This is because the range of the Fortnite weapon doesn’t really give you much to work with. Whilst that’s to be expected with a short range weapon such as a shotgun, there are better alternatives. For example, sticking with a tactical shotgun has far more flexibility than its weaker counterparts. With the better rate of fire, range and the time it takes to equip, the tactical version can help you out of a lot of sticky situations. By not hoarding pumps as well it gives you more free space to focus on important Fortnite items such as shields and medkits, so it’s something to definitely keep in mind.
Landing Locations
With the latest changes to the map, there are a few areas that have remained unnamed. Due to this, many players have chosen to avoid these areas in favour for new or more familiar locations that they know have the loot they are looking for. However, this is a rather misguided tactic, as these unmarked areas have hidden treasures of their own.
Locations such as the southern island that remains nameless on the map. Without a title, many players tend to ignore places such as these. This is something that you can use to your advantage, as nobody tends to land here, and there is a suprisingly large amount of loot for you to pick up. You can also find a wealth of materials, and a motorboat waiting outside for when its time for you to leave. It can be very tempting to check out the new locations that have been put into Fortnite, but be sure to check out other unnamed areas on the map. They are chock full of resources, and you don’t have to worry about the enemy presence that you do elsewhere.
The practice of fishing, or lack of it, is a known issue in Fortnite recently. Whilst the presence of chug jugs and similar items have been left out, Epic Games has introduced fishing to make up for it. Not only is this something that should be an essential part of your gameplay, but it’s also important that you find the correct locations.
Fishing is a common feature in many video games, and can be just as fun in Fortnite. But there are players that perhaps need to use the feature more usefully. For example, fishing in normal water isn’t likely to bring you the best loot. Therefore it is important that you make sure to use fishing spots to make the most of your catch. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t cast in normal water at all. If you are looking for ammo or HP, then fishing in shallow waters can be useful. However, in fishing locations you can find a Flopper with a nearly 50% catch rate. A Flopper is a fish/healing item which is uncommon, and can be stacked up to 4. Each use of the Flopper replenishes 50 HP, so they are definitely worth keeping an eye out for.
These few errors are common, but with the right solutions and careful planning you can easily avoid them. There are a lot of Fortnite items and locations to explore with the new season, some of which are untapped by many players. Be sure to check them out, but don’t dwell too long. With a lot of people getting caught out in storms, it’s vital that you plan ahead.
Have you made any of these mistakes so far in Fortnite? Let us know in the comments section below!