Two industries that have grown at a rapid pace over the last decade or so is console gaming and online gambling. Naturally, these two things have a lot in common in terms of the structure of their industry, and as such, as do their fans. This said, there are also stark differences between the two. In this article, we take a look at what gamers and gamblers have in common, and how they differ.

First, let’s kick things off with a couple of similarities between fans of the two industries.
Love the Thrill of An Award
Both of these industries are all about getting endorphins running and that’s why their players love them. Whether that’s by earning a rich bonus or unlocking the next level on a game, they love to see a reward for their gameplay.
Pushing the Limits
Gamer and gamblers are both willing to dedicate themselves to get as much out of their chosen activity as possible. They both want to push it to the limit for optimal thrills.
Appreciate the Need to Master Their Trade
They both know nothing happens overnight and that they need to put the work in to master their trade. Commitment and hard work, alongside learning from their mistakes, is a crucial element by which the two types of players get ahead in their chosen field.
Escape Reality
Another similarity is that both players like to escape reality for a few hours a day and step outside the humdrum of everyday life and seek thrills elsewhere via their gaming.
Appreciate Craftmanship Behind the Games
Whether you are playing the latest offering from a slot provider or a console game provider, the same attention to detail has been paid to the final product. With both gamblers and gamers enjoying the design elements of any game they play.
Now their shared interests are covered, what makes them different?
Gamblers Financially-Mind
While consoles and their games are not cheap, gambling is all about money. Not only spending it but winning it hand over fist too. Gamblers will be more much financially focused than gamers.
Gamers Emphasise Progression
While gamblers love money, gamers love progress. This is what console games offer much more to the player. There is only so much you can do on a casino game, but on console games, there is always more to do and more to see, which is becoming a bigger part of the console game experience.
Gamblers Are Bigger Fans of Risk
There is much more risk in gambling, which makes it much more exciting. If you die on a console game, you can always respawn, in gambling, it is not possible to start over and this is why they love it and whatever happens, happens.
Gamers Love Variety
There is much you can do with a console game. You can be top-flight footballer, a martial art expert, and a soldier all in one day. On casino games, you are always just a gambler, whatever game you play.
Different End Goals
Gamblers and gamers are looking for different end goals from what they are doing. While both have an element of pride at their core, gamblers are ultimately looking to win it big and become rich, whereas gamers just want to be the best at what they do.
As you can see, while there are similarities in personality, there are fundamental changes in the direction the players want. Which one are you?