The Playstation 4 is the best selling games console of this generation of gaming. The XBox and the PC have come in as poor runners up to the video games released by Sony. Now that the life of this console is coming to an end, it is time to reflect on the best games released for the PS4. Offering a rank order is like entering a Mecca Bingo and challenging the audience to a game of “things you didn’t know about bingo” – there will be a ripple of uproar. Therefore, to keep it calm and friendly, we offer these games in no particular order.
Alien Isolation
In the early 2010s, sci-fi horror had a revival – especially survival based games. Of all the games released at that time, Alien Isolation was one of the best. It harked back to some of the retro features of gaming that gamers love, while also adding in some fast-paced action set pieces and some awesome moments where stealth is your only option.
Before this game, the Alien franchise had bungled many game releases and disappointed fans. Alien Isolation represented a significant return to form.
Apex Legends
A battle-royale game from a top developer which was free to own – sounds like a con but it wasn’t. The makers of Titanfall, Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 release Apex Legends and it is a genuine competitor to Fortnite.
Apex Legends is a decent competitor in this market because it combined elements in a unique way. It took some of the hero shooter features from Overwatch and matched this with the multiplayer element of a battle royale.
This is a new release in relative terms and its appeal will be judged by its ability to last through time. However, at this time, it deserves a notable mention.

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
Like the Alien franchise, the Assassin’s Creed series of games took something of a dip. With the release of Odyssey sees a resurgence. This game marks a departure from the pure parkour adventure to a more RPG approach. While the core ideas are still there, with loot, experience points and a layering of skills, there is a stronger storyline with branching plots to keep the user playing and offering more value. There is more than 100 hours of gameplay – added to which there is the ability to collect weapons and armour as well as play side quests.
Battlefield 1
Battlefield 1 takes the gamer through six key battles of World War 1. It is a shooter game that reverts to the past rather than creating a future world.
While there is nothing new in the gameplay, the visuals are stunning and the detailed maps astounding. Add to this great physics and some of the best sound design, we choose this game because of the attention to detail in game design.
Bloodborne is a PS4 exclusive. It comes out of Japan and is part of the same family as Demon’s Soul and Dark Souls. It is a fast paced game with a gentle narrative that hangs the monster battles together with skill.
This game may have been overtaken by the release of Dark Souls 3 but for its time it was an awesome kill-fest.
Control is a story-driven shooter. You follow Jesse Faden through the Federal Bureau of Control, The Oldest House. You are led through a mysterious and perception-bending series of settings that requires thought and an understanding of gaming language to beat. The action is intense even if some of the gameplay is infuriating. If you are a skilled gameplayer who understands the subtleties of gaming, then you should love the action in this game.
Another free-to-play game with some real class, Dauntless is an action RPG. You are tasked with hunting the Behemoths. It might feel a little too cartoon-like, you will find the quests fun and it is great to play with friends. Sometimes it is worth setting aside the snobbery of the gamer purists and just sit down to have some fun.
Days Gone
Days Gone is a big budget Zombie game. It is the closest you will get to play Sons of Anarchy the TV programme on your PS4. There are cars and horses and a weird script, which makes this an enjoyable if not a little bit bizarre experience.
Death Stranding
If we told you this was a game about hiking, you might wonder why it made it to this list. Well, there are some quirky mad moments that see babies in jars and WW2 battles – and then there is the need to build infrastructure. We know we haven’t captured the gameplay – but just believe us when we say this game works.