Whether you’re an aspiring full-time gamer or you just enjoy playing with your friends on the weekends, you might want to improve your skills.
Gaming might look easy but it takes a lot of skill and talent to succeed as a gamer. Every game is different and requires a unique skill set. Depending on the games that you play the most, you will have built a specific set of skills that may or may not be transferable to the wider gaming world.
There are people out there who have been playing video games for years or even decades. This can make it very difficult to compete against them in the same game. They have built up a strong skill set and have learned the intricacies of the game, which are things that only come with lots of time and practice.
There are many factors that contribute to your gaming abilities and you might naturally be great at certain aspects of playing video games. But that doesn’t mean you can’t improve all of the other aspects of gaming to ensure you are a well-rounded gamer that can take on any game.
Of course, there are the more obvious skills that apply to every game, like having great hand-eye coordination and strong reflexes. There are also lots of game-specific skills that you won’t be able to develop until you begin playing a range of different games on a regular basis.
We’ve compiled a list of top tips to help you improve your gaming skills and get to the top of the leaderboards!
Look Online
As obvious as this first one might be, it’s not something that many people think about when it comes to improving their gaming skills. There are lots of great websites that offer hundreds of different tips on how to improve your abilities in a range of different video games.
For example, Gameplay.tips offer a wide range of hints and tips for beginner, intermediate, or advanced gamers. There’s something for everyone and it’s the perfect place to find unique and valuable tips that will set you above your competitors in the gaming world.
Collect tips from a range of websites to expand your skillset as much as possible. By learning the unique tips and tricks that other gamers won’t necessarily know, you can ensure that you always remain at the top of the leaderboards.
Be Patient
Improving your gaming skills takes time. There’s nothing you can do about the fact that being a great gamer is not going to happen overnight. Although there are lots of amazing gaming technologies set to improve gamers’ experience, only time will tell when it comes to improving your skill set.
Patience is the main reason why many aspiring gamers give up. They want immediate results and aren’t willing to wait in order to get to the top of the leaderboards.
If you practice patience and continue to work on your gaming skills every day for years, you will eventually reach your goal. You will be an incredible gamer with years of experience under your belt. Your skills will be unbeatable but you need to put in years of hard work to reach this level.
Push Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone
To really improve your gaming skills, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone. You can’t be afraid of getting things wrong and doing a bit of trial and error. That’s part of the fun!
Failure is all part of the process when you’re learning how to be a better gamer. It’s pretty much impossible to seriously improve your gaming abilities if you’re afraid to take risks and fail.
Any advanced gamer will tell you that one of the best ways to improve your gaming skill set is by doing things that you’ve never done before. It’s about taking risks and potentially ruining your winning streak simply because you want to learn and adapt.
Watch Videos of Expert Players
The best way to learn is by observing others. Spend some time watching YouTube videos of expert gamers doing their thing and follow some of your favorite gaming streamers to emulate their unique skills.
Try and spot the different techniques that they’re using to succeed in a particular game so that you can use the same techniques when you pick up the controller. You can also spot how each gamer deals with difficult situations in different games and how they anticipate their next opponents’ moves.
Turn Up Your Screen Brightness
You might be able to watch a movie on your computer screen with the brightness very low but this isn’t ideal when you’re gaming. An easy and simple hack to improve your gaming skills is to increase the brightness and contrast of your screen.
Play around with the settings on your computer screen to see which combinations are the best for you. Be careful not to make the brightness too high. You want to be able to see every area of the screen clearly without it hurting your eyes!
You might need to change the settings depending on the specific game that you are playing. The more you play each game, the easier it will be to remember which settings to use for them.
Strengthen Your Hands and Fingers
As a gamer, the strength and endurance in your hands and fingers are important. Although your muscles will improve the more you play, it’s a good idea to do some hand, finger, and wirst exercises to improve your strength and endurance even further.
Try the following exercises:
- Take a tennis ball and squeeze it tightly for 10 seconds at a time in each hand. Repeat this several times each day to improve your grip strength.
- Squeeze your thumb and forefinger tightly together (without causing yourself any pain) for several seconds, and repeat this for each finger on both hands.
- Stretch your wrists, hands, and fingers. Flex and extend your wrist, make a fist and release it while you spread your fingers out wide.