Bingo is an engaging game, immersive by nature and fun to play even by people who have no previous experience with the game. Casual and amateur players don’t mind the fact that luck governs this game entirely and is the only thing that besides the outcome. You can’t improve your odds of winning and you always have the same chances as an absolute beginner playing for the first time. Since luck is such a defining factor, it is only natural for players to wonder what bingo numbers are called the most.

In luck we trust
When you play bingo online by visiting a website or in brick-and-mortar locations, you can’t allow superstitions to get in the way. It’s important to accept the fact that bingo is a game of chance where all the numbers have the same chances of being called. Trying to find lucky numbers can be a fun quest, especially if you don’t mind undertaking a little research. The problem with this task is that sooner or later you will arrive to the same conclusion: each number has the same chance of being called.
A real person or software can perform the draw when you play online bingo. Whether it uses WebCam technology to stream the bingo games live for pits players against the algorithm, the casino will rely on randomness. Over the course of a single gaming session some numbers might pop up with a higher frequency. People who are looking for patterns might find one here and assume that certain numbers are more likely to hit. This is of course a fallacy that can be proven wrong with a little bit of patience.
Analytical minds will quickly solve this puzzle by simply analyzing more gaming sessions. If the research spans over a longer period of time, some things will become self evident. The further back you look and the more numbers you analyze, the clearer it gets that luck eventually evens out. On long term numbers will hit with the same frequency, so what you need to do is to make the sampling process more inclusive.
Strategies in online bingo
Starting from the assumption that some games are called more often than others, some people came up with bold strategies and systems. Leonard Tippett’s perfect average concept proves popular right from the start because it feels like it brings math and science into the process. It works for both 75 and 90 bingo games, so all angles are covered and its principles can be put to the test in different bingo games. The idea is that in the long run, the numbers should revolve around the middle value, which is 38, respectively 45.
Truth be told, these systems might sound fun and there’s nothing wrong in using them, but they don’t influence the chances to win. At the beginning of any bingo session you will have precisely the same chances of any number being called. If you have lucky numbers or ones that have a personal meaning for you, feel free to seek them on the bingo tickets, but don’t tether your hopes exclusively to any numbers.