Do you want to be the next internet sensation? The fastest way to do it is with a meme. Here are a few tips on how to make a meme go viral.
Everyone wants to know how to make a meme go viral. But more often than not, it seems like it happens with a random, lightning-in-a-bottle whimsy that’s hard to duplicate.

Not so! In the following article, we’re going to walk you through the steps you need to take to improve those chances. Let’s get to meme-ing!
1. Tap Into Your Sense of Humor
The meme most likely to “go viral” is the funny meme. And if you think about it, that’s not surprising.
We all love a good joke. They’re short, witty, thought-provoking, and, more often than not, subvert our expectations.
Your meme doesn’t have to draw guffaws from everyone who sees it. But it should have enough humor to it that people can see the cleverness behind it.
So make a list of the people, movies, jokes that you find the funniest. Then, draw from that and see what you can conjure up!
2. Choose the Right Image or Video
To make sure you’ve got a really fun meme, you need to be visual. That’s first and foremost as very few memes have taken the Internet by storm because they were great walls of text.
Finding the right image can be a challenge. If you haven’t got the personality or resources to come up with one on your own, mine Reddit.
Reddit has been the “front page of the Internet” for years now. Before something breaks out into official “viral” standing, it catches steam here.
Choose something that is on-the-rise but not yet mainstream. Pair it with your messaging for best results.
3. Understand the Audience
At the same time, a great meme, especially one derived from existing images, should be in line with the original audience. Allow us to explain.
If the image on Reddit (or wherever else you’ve found it) is gaining popularity for a reason that’s the opposite or in opposition to your messaging, it could blow up in your face. Co-opting can work but it’s a far riskier proposition than finding something already in line with what you have to say.
4. Be Timely
Evergreen content is the type that will always be popular. That’s great if you can score with an evergreen meme, but you improve your odds of going viral if you’re timely.
Timeliness improves the odds of a successful meme because it ensures the majority of people seeing it will be “in on the joke.” Also, people today have short attention spans so keep that in mind.
5. Get Multiple Points of View Before Taking It Live
When it comes to memes that work, no man or woman is an island. Bounce it off others whose intellects and senses of humor you respect. The more input you have, the easier it’ll be to know what you can expect from your core audience.
6. Use a Meme Generator
At last, you’ll want to actually make a meme. There are many free generators you can use to do that online, including the one we’ve just linked. There also may be pay options to remove branding so you can make sure the full attention goes to your meme.
Learning How to Make a Meme Go Viral Can Boost Your Online Footprint
And when you do learn how to make a meme go viral, it can help your business as well by bringing in new customers and acting as free inbound marketing to your website. Good luck! And before you go, make sure you check out more of our blog posts on all things pop culture at Daily Game.