Konami’s gone for the Tuesday blowout today, as they’ve released almost a half-dozen titles for various platforms to retail today.
– Lost in Blue 2 (DS) – Players are marooned on an island, and must use their best survival skills and the DS stylus to stay alive.
– Steel Horizon (DS) – It’s WWII naval battles on the DS. Customize your ships and head out to sea.
– Yu Gi Oh! World Championship (DS) – Another Yu Gi Oh! title, enough said. If you don’t know anyhting about this franchise by now, you probably don’t want to anyhow.
– Wing Island (Wii) – It’s a flight combat game for the Wii.
– Kororinpa: Marble Madness (Wii) – Yes, it’s another “guide a marble around various mazes by tilting the game board” type game.