Are you a magazine junkie? You should check out Magzter if you are one.
Magzter is an unlimited magazines service, which has a large library comprising of more than 5000 unique publications. The service has come a long way since its inception in 2011, putting a number of different magazines and publications in the hands of online readers. In a span of just 4 years, it has delivered a huge amount of content digitally including a lot of magazines and publications you would find on the local newsstand down the street, from ‘Runner’s World’ to “Bloomberg Business week”.
Magzter’s web-based tool may be quite simple to look at but it stands out in the way it delivers a wide variety of digital pubs, particularly the localized editions, to all the subscribers. If you are looking for say Maxim in Magzter, you are likely to find just about 12 to 15 editions of the magazine from different geographies, including Singapore, India, Switzerland and South Africa. You can pick one, and choose to buy the single issue or go for the yearly subscription. As simple as that.
Attracting and keeping audiences has always been a difficult proposition, however, advanced tools such as Magzter have come forth with the right digital ingredients to turn things around for popular publishing companies. Since Magzter burst onto the scene, all famous publishers of the world- Newsweek, Hearst, Conde Nast etc- have found it a little easier and cheaper to make their publications available to a huge audience worldwide. With its distinct approach, Magzter has helped publishers push all their publications to all their target audience on a single platform.
Magzter, over the years, has become increasingly relevant to readers with different backgrounds and a wide range of interests. The team behind Magzter has taken the game to a new level with the launch of a new service called Magzter Gold. It mirrors the all-you-can-watch model or all-you-can-listen model of subscriptions popularized by two pioneers in their own industries namely Netflix and Spotify. The new service will cost $9.99 per month for full access. For those who think it is a bit steep to spend, and want to spend less, the company offers an alternative in Magzter Gold Lite, which will cost you $4.99 per month for any five titles.
With this new subscription package, you are sure to have unlimited access to a huge library of over 2000 titles and magazines across the web, and mobile versions of the app. What’s more, the app provides you personalized suggestions depending upon your interest, and how you play with the content that is in store there.
Note: I was provided with a Magzter GOLD subscription for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own.