To say Mass Effect 3 is going to be big, or is highly anticipated, or will make BioWare a truckload of cash, would all be disservices to the world of understatements. The RPG heavyweights are creating the final chapter in a game that could very well see the destruction of Earth by robots, for crying out loud. So yeah, when they release a video trailer called “Fall of Earth,” you’d better believe people are going to pay attention.
Like us. And you. And anyone else you want to send this video to, because it really does show more of what we can expect with the epic last entry in Commander Shepard’s story. We got to see Mass Effect 3 behind closed doors at E3, and it was the one game that almost made our editor cry. Really. So just watch this latest Mass Effect 3 “Fall of Earth” trailer already, will ya?
Pre-order links from Amazon are here, because you know you want them. Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition for Xbox 360 | Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition for PS3
| Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition for PC