Hello, all you Minecraft fans who are looking for Minecraft light sources. Minecraft is a great game that allows players to build a variety of structures but without the right Minecraft lighting ideas, no structure is going to stand out unless you want it to be hidden. There are various uses of Minecraft light sources like decorating a space, illuminating a room, or even keeping the mobs away. Whatever the reason be, Minecraft light sources are extremely important for all the players.
Not sure which is the best light source Minecraft has to offer? Do not worry we have all the information regarding Minecraft light sources that you need. Before we move further, here is a fun fact about Minecraft light sources. Did you know that Minecraft offers around 60 sources of light? From the very beginning of the game, light sources have helped players to travel through dark tunnels that are underground and light up homes.
You might be aware of the torch that is always handy but there are many other technologically advanced light sources that players use to illuminate their bases. As mentioned earlier, there are around 60 light sources that you can choose from. But, going through 60 light sources and choosing the right one seems like a tedious task hence, to make your job easy we have created a list of the 11 best Minecraft light sources for you.
Role of Light in Minecraft
Lights play an important role in Minecraft. But before learning the role of light, let us see how light works in Minecraft. The two main sources of light in Minecraft are the sun and the light blocks Minecraft offers. There are a few blocks that can filter light like cobwebs, leaves, and ice but they cannot generate light.
The block lights Minecraft offers have a range of light levels. It basically means how bright a light-emitting block can be. The glowing blocks Minecraft has can range up to 15 levels, where 15 is the highest level of brightness and the widest range. As the range goes down so does the intensity of the light.
Lights are needed for visibility, to see everything clearly. They also play a role in the growth of plants, if you have plants around your bases or in your farms your plants will certainly require light for their growth. Another role of light is for mob spawning.
Here are The Best Minecraft Light Sources

If you are bored with the same old torch and need an alternative, here it is. The lantern in Minecraft is brighter and way cooler than a torch. This is what you need instead of the cranky torch.
You can use it like torches, hang it on fences and walls. A lantern is at light level 15, this is one of the brightest lights in Minecraft. Wondering how to make these glowing blocks in Minecraft? It is quite simple. Take a torch and place it on your crafting table now on all the sides of the torch place 8 iron ingots. That is it. You have a lantern ready.

The campfire can save you in many situations, one being saving you from monsters in the night. The campfire has a light level of 15, which is again one of the brightest blocks of light in Minecraft. To make a campfire, you will need 3 logs, 1 coal, and 3 sticks that form a triangle. The logs and coals will make the bottom base and the middle respectively.
In taiga or taiga villages that are snowy, this block of light that is the campfire can naturally spawn. The campfire is also capable of sending signals with the help of smoke. This can go up to 10 blocks high in the air and if you add hay bale below it can go up to 24 blocks. Another interesting thing about the campfire is that rain cannot destroy it so you can use it as a marker and find your way back to your base.
Jack O Lantern

Minecraft players can find pumpkin blocks to make these spooky Jack O’ Lanterns in taiga and its snowy villages. This is the easiest Minecraft light idea that can be made with a pumpkin and a torch underneath it. This Minecraft light source has a light level of 15 as well. The head of this Jack O’ Lantern is made from the snow golems and iron. You can use the spooky Jack O’ Lantern to acquire all the submissive creatures that you can take with you to The End.

Glowstone is rightly called glowstone because it has this mysterious power to glow. Glowstone is also one of the brightest blocks in Minecraft as it has a light level of 15. Even though you can find these blocks in the Nether, if you want you can also craft them.
To make this you will need Glowstone dust (4), for this you will have to break the block of Glowstone in the Nether. One great idea is trying to break the block with a tool that has properties of silk touch so it won’t drop the dust but instead will drop the block of glowstone. This light source is also fireproof.
Four Sea Pickles

While we are talking about fireproof, what is better than a light source that is based on water? Heard of Sea Pickles? These creatures stay underwater and in ocean biomes, they can spawn. The strength of the light they emit depends on how many are added to one block. One sea pickle has a light level of 6 so to get the brightest source of light i.e. 15 you will need 4 sea pickles.
If you want sea pickles to spawn more of their kind, feed the block a bone meal. Do this when you don’t have enough sea pickles. Sea pickles are a source of light only underwater, not outside.
Redstone Lamp

This is a perfect lighting source for you if you can work your way through the mechanics of Redstone. You will need a lever, a Redstone torch, and a button to activate the Redstone mechanism. It works like the Glowstone but not completely the same.
The Redstone lamp will give you level 15 of light when you light it but level 0 when turned off. To create this lamp, keep the 4 Redstone dust on the crafting table in exact NSEW quadrants. In the center of it is a block of Glowstone. You have your Redstone lamp ready to use.
Sea Lantern

The sea lantern is the Glowstone of the ocean floor. It generates light and has the ability to spawn in underwater ruins and ocean monuments. It has a 15 level luminance. To create this sea lantern you will need Prismatic Crystals and Shards, 4 and 5 respectively. Start with the Prismatic Crystals first and place the shards around it in a sign that forms a +. Sea lanterns don’t just give light but also activate a Conduit.

The Conduit’s exterior is unique in that it has a light level of 15 above and below water. It works like an underwater Beacon that can launch an attack on mobs underwater as well as boosts status through the Conduit power.
It is a bit challenging to build a Conduit. It has The Heart of The Sea as a centerpiece and 8 Nautilus Shells. Players can find it as buried treasure or feed dolphins raw cod or salmon to find the biomes where this treasure can spawn.

The beacon can dispense light upwards with a light level of 15. To build the beacon you have to keep 3 obsidian for the bottom row, place a Nether Star in the center, and on the other squares place 5 blocks of glass.
It will take long walks to make this beacon; it can also include beating the Wither at some point. It feels a bit of an impractical light source if used only for emitting light.
End Rod

The end rod resembles the torch and it is at light level 14. You can only find these items that aren’t blocky in areas around the towers of End City and players have to climb on them. Even if the supporting blocks are destroyed these rods won’t break. This makes it a great light source in Minecraft.
You can make four End Rods with one ingredient of Popped Chorus Fruit at the top and Blaze Rod at the bottom.

There is nothing exciting about the tried and tested torch with a light level of 14. You may have even used it multiple times. To create this, take any kind of stick for the bottom and place one coal on top of it and your torch is ready.
These were the 11 best Minecraft light sources specially listed for you. Now use your imagination and build your unique light sources using these above-mentioned ideas to brighten up your Minecraft gameplay.