Konami today announced a brand new Metal Gear Solid game — for the PlayStation 2. No really, the PS2. Of course, the game isn’t technically “new,” as Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection includes three of the original Metal Gear Solid games on a single disk.
Metal Gear Solid: the Essential Collection includes the original Metal Gear Solid for the PlayStation, the director’s cut of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3. All three games will release in a commemorative package with artwork by renowned Metal Gear Solid artist Yoji Shinkawa.
This complete Metal Gear Solid package will retail for just $29.99, but its release date is even more intriguing. Without giving any details, Konami simply announced that Metal Gear Solid: the Essential Collection would give “Metal Gear Solid fans … the final chance to fully immerse themselves in the Metal Gear Solid universe before the release of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.”
So, although no specific release date was announced, the ship date for this “new” MGS game is obviously imminent.