Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys is now letting North American Nintendo DS owners munch a few brains, as the DS-exclusive title has shipped to retail today.
In Teenage Zombies, the Earth is under attack by a horde of Alien Brain Things, and humans — having fallen to ray-guns and mind-control and failed to defend their planet — are now under the control of the Big Brain and his gray matter army. Humanity’s only hope are three Teenage Zombies who ignore their normal human victims in favor of the pulsing pink brains they see everywhere in the game.
Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys lets players switch between the three zombies on they fly to solve puzzles and beat levels. Along the way, players can get unique power-ups for each Teenage Zombie and participate in many stylus-based mini-games.