Ever since the release for the Xbox Kinect, a similar problem has been an issue to most people who plan on owning this Xbox 360 add-on: gameplay space. The amount of actual space needed to use the Xbox Kinect is great when you have the amount to use, but it can be very unrealistic to many people. At least six feet is needed to start playing a Kinect game, which may require you to move some furniture around. If you plan to play with another person, an additional two feet is required, making this minimum space requirement cap up to eight feet.
Nyko has come up with an astonishing gadget at E3 that connects to your Kinect device that reduces the space requirement to a little more realistic number. Simply called “Zoom for Kinect,” this little snap-on lens allows gamers who may have a smaller living space the ability to purchase and use the Kinect without issue.
Nyko’s Zoom Kinect lens reduces the distance required by up to 40%. This will also allow gamers who are constantly struggling to come up with the space by moving furniture around the chance to no longer having to prep the room to start up a game.