Gamers’ opportunity to get a PlayStation 4 on the actual PS4 release date has opened up for a brief window, as Amazon has just begun selling a new batch of PS4 launch day bundles. The PS4 bundles on Amazon are identical to the units previously available. Just two weeks ago, Amazon’s allotment of PS4 release date inventory was completely sold out.
As was the case previously, the stand-alone PS4 launch day console is unavailable for pre-order, as those allotments sold out during E3. That means that, short of standing in line for hours (days?) at a retailer, these PS4 launch-day bundles are the only way to guarantee you’ll get the shiny new console on the PlayStation 4 release date.
While Amazon has just made available this new batch of PS4 launch day bundles, the online retailer has not similarly reopened pre-orders for the Xbox One Day One Edition. The “standard edition” package still remains available for pre-order, but it does not guarantee receipt on the Xbox One release date.
The most popular PS4 bundle on Amazon to date has been the PS4 Battlefield 4 Launch Day Bundle, and that’s not likely to change. With that in mind, if you’re into first-person shooters, you should pre-order that bundle ASAP, because it’s bound to sell out quickly once again. Amazone’s second most-popular PS4 package, the PS4 Killzone Launch Day Bundle
, is also a likely hot seller, as the first-party Killzone franchise has a dedicated following and that’s a highly anticipated launch game from Sony. I’m personally most interested in the PS4 Watch Dogs Launch Day Bundle
, as the game continually impressed at E3 and has some unique multiplayer elements. Rounding out the four pre-order bundles that have returned for a limited time to Amazon is the Knack Launch Day Bundle
, which includes the PS4 system itself and a first-party game that’s a lot like a next-gen Katamari Damacy with weapons.
The Xbox One Day One Edition remains sold out at Amazon, and Amazon hasn’t yet re-opened pre-orders for Microsoft’s next-gen console. The Xbox One Standard Edition
, which doesn’t have a defined release date but will likely ship this holiday season, is still available at Amazon. The PS4 “standard edition” is also still available for pre-order, although it carries with it the same uncertainty about a ship date.
Having the PS4 launch-day bundles return to Amazon comes at a good time for Sony, as Microsoft spokespeople have recently been touting “through the roof” demand for the Xbox One at GameStop, and at least one analyst has said the Xbox One could ship three times as many units as the PS4 by year end. Although it has had a slower ramp-up period for pre-orders, the Xbox One has seen sales increase since Microsoft reversed its DRM and used-game policies.