Sega is working on a new puzzle game for Sony’s PlayStation Portland (PSP) handheld. Called Crush, the game is scheduled to ship this summer.
Crush will be set within a complex 3D world in which players will “crush” the environment and transform it into a more simplified 2D platformer. Once flattened, the 2D world will allow players to move to new areas and solve otherwise impossible challenges. There will also be unlockable items that were previously unobtainable in the 3D environment. Once the puzzle is solved, players will then “uncrush” the 2D environment and return to the 3D world.
Amazingly enough, Sega even has a plot to go along with the gameplay: Dan, a man with a lifetime of unresolved issues and bottled-up emotions, has turned him into a nervous insomniac who is too tired to turn his life around. Desperate for a cure, he turns to hypnosis. It is during this state that he is given one last chance to sort through the wreckage of his past, before he loses the last thing he has — his sanity.
Sounds like a stretch to us, but Sega just might be able to pull it off. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.