Summoning spirits in Elden Ring is an integral part of the game, so it can be frustrating when you’re unable to do that, even with the Spirit Calling Bell. However, this need not be your fault at all. The game is known to be vague, after all.
If you cannot summon spirits in Elden Ring even though you have a Spirit Calling Bell, it could be because of several reasons. The spirit you’re trying to summon has an FP that costs more than your FP, there is no rebirth monument in that area, you’ve already summoned a spirit once, or you’ve summoned a cooperator.
We will go through all these factors in detail in this article, and I will give you solutions to help you summon spirits in Elden Ring.
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Why I can’t summon spirits in Elden Ring

Image Credit – Meloo Youtube channel
Due to the game’s vague mechanics, this is probably not your fault. It could be because of several factors – you don’t have the Spirit Calling Bell, there are no rebirth monuments in the area, your FP isn’t enough to summon a spirit right now, you’ve summoned a cooperator, or you’ve already summoned spirit ashes.
Let’s look at each reason and see which one is causing your inability to summon a spirit.
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You don’t have the Spirit Summoning Bell
Before summoning a spirit, you must ensure that you have the Spirit Summoning Bell with you. All you need to do for this is reach Church Elleh’s Site of Grace and interact with Renna the witch.
She will ask you if you can summon Torrent. Reply “yes.” She will gift you the Spirit Calling Bell and the Lone Wolf Ashes.
To reach Church Elleh, first head to the Stranded Graveyard and go north as soon as you reach the main world. Move east on the main path till you reach the Gatefront Ruins. There are two Sites of Grace here. Rest at either one, and Melina will materialize. She will offer you a Torrent.
But don’t leave immediately. Be sure to rest until nightfall. Then, return to Church Elleh and follow the steps mentioned before.
Now, you can carry on with your quest to summon spirits.
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No rebirth monuments in your area
The rebirth monuments are stone monoliths found all over the Lands Between. These obelisks are directly tied to your ability to summon spirit ashes with the Spirit Calling Bell.
They’re usually found near the forts, boss rooms, and other areas like this. They can also be found if there are a lot of enemies around.
When you’re close to a rebirth monument, a monument icon will appear on your screen’s left side.
You’re probably unable to summon a spirit because there are no monuments around you at the moment. Keep moving around, and you should be able to find one sooner or later.
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You don’t have enough FP
If you have the Spirit Summoning Bell and a rebirth monument around but can still not summon a spirit, it could be because you don’t have enough FP. Some spirits require high FP, and if you don’t have enough with you, you will not be able to summon them.
Stronger Spirit Ashes like the Black Knife Tiche require 132 FP, while smaller ones like the Spirit Jellyfish only need 31.
To see how much FP you have, check the Status menu. You can raise your FP by raising your Mind stat. This will help you summon the spirit you need.
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You’ve summoned a cooperator
You cannot summon a spirit if you’ve summoned Furled Fingers, or cooperators. They lock you out of the ability to summon spirits.
Once your cooperator has returned to their world, deactivate the Furlcalling Finger Remedy. As long as this is active, you cannot summon spirits.
Now, if you try summoning spirits, you will be successful in your feat.
You’ve already summoned a Spirit Ash
You won’t be able to summon a spirit if you’ve already summoned one in that area and its health has completely depleted. This is because the spirit in the area has already been depleted.
You can only summon spirits again after arriving at another location with a new rebirth monument, dying, or resting at a Site of Grace.
After following one of these steps, you can summon spirits again.
Summoning spirits in Elden Ring has a lot of obstacles, as we just saw. But they are mainly due to the game’s vague mechanics and not your doing. Your inability to summon a spirit can be fixed if you try out the solutions given above.
The solutions are not that difficult, it is just that the game does not instruct the user properly.
I hope you can summon a spirit in Elden Ring without any issues now. If you have any questions related to this topic, feel free to contact us!