Sega is bringing a popular anime TV program from Adult Swim to the world of videogames, announcing two games based on the “Bleach” series, one for the Nintendo Wii, the other for the Nintendo DS. Bleach: Shattered Blade (for the Wii) and Bleach: The Blade of Fate (for DS) are both slated to release this fall, just before the second season of the TV program debuts on Cartoon Network.
Bleach: Shattered Blade (for the Wii) enables gamers to wield the Wii Remote and Nunchuk as their weapons as they make their way through a storyline created specifically for the Wii. As players unlock more and more of the 32 playable characters, they can replay each story episode utilizing each character’s special moves and weapons to bring a whole new perspective to the storyline.
On the Nintendo DS, Bleach: The Blade of Fate offers the 2D action that its developer, Treasure, has become known for. Players will face a variety of opponents as one of 28 characters, but the fighting mechanics will involve a new battle system by which players can move between upper and lower split-plane battle arenas to chase after or escape from opponents. Gamers can also build Spirit Card Decks to strategically access power-ups and power-downs to perform special attacks, cast healing spells on themselves, displace opponents or even prohibit them from using their own Spirit Cards. And yes, the DS version will support four-player matches via Wi-Fi.