Running a restaurant is difficult enough without having to manage the behaviors and relationships of several employees via a computer screen. Fortunately, The Sims 4 has solutions; we will show you all its restaurant tricks.
All Restaurant Cheats (Dine Out) in The Sims 4
As with every other cheat in the game, you must ensure that testing cheats are enabled. To turn it on, press CTRL, Shift, and C to bring up the search bar. Next, type “testingcheats on,” but without the apostrophes. Pressing enter indicates that the testing of cheats has begun.
Once you’ve activated cheats, hit CTRL + Shift + C to reopen the search box. All of the cheats for the Dine Out section of the game are listed below:
- Add Simoleons to Restaurant Funds
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: sims.modify_funds [amount]
- Replace [amount] with the number of Simoleons to add to your restaurant’s funds.
Increase Restaurant Perk Points
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: bucks.unlock_perk [perk] [sim ID]
- Replace [perk] with the desired perk code and [sim ID] with the ID of your Sim. Common perk codes include:
- IngredientCostDiscount
- MealRush
- PatientPatrons
- AdditionalWaiter_1
- AdditionalChef
- IngredientCostDiscount
The Sims 4: Dine Out Cheats & Cheat Codes for PC, Playstation, And Xbox

Employee Cheats
Promote Employees
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on the employee, hold down Shift, and select Promote.
Change Employee Traits
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: To edit traits and appearance, click on the employee, hold Shift, and select Modify in CAS.
Customer Cheats
Make Customers Happy
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on the customer, hold down Shift, and select Make Happy to fill all needs and boost satisfaction.
Remove Negative Moodlets
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on the customer, hold down Shift, and select Remove Buffs to eliminate negative moodlets.
Reset Sim
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on the Sim, hold down Shift, and select Reset Object (Debug) to reset any Sim that is stuck or not functioning properly.

Advanced Restaurant Management Cheats
Instantly Fill Restaurant Needs
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on your restaurant, hold down Shift, and select Make Clean or Fill Needs to take care of hygiene or restock supplies instantly.
Set Employee Skills
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: stats.set_skill_level Retail_WorkEthic 5
- Replace Retail_WorkEthic with other skills to max out employee performance:
- Retail_Maintenance
- Retail_Sales
- Use stats.set_skill_level [skill name] [level] to set specific levels.
Unlock All Restaurant Recipes
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: hidden objects
- Then, search for recipes in Build/Buy mode to place hidden recipes and unlock them for your restaurant menu.
Guest Experience Cheats
Maximize Guest Satisfaction
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on the guest, hold down Shift, and select Cheat Need > Make Happy and Cheat Relationship > Add Relationship Bit > Good Friends to boost satisfaction.
Extend Guest Stay
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on the guest, hold down Shift, and select Add to Family to control them temporarily. Then, fulfill their needs to extend their stay.
Create VIP Guests
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: traits.equip_trait GoodKisser
- Equip traits that make Sims more charismatic and likely to enjoy their visit, such as GoodKisser, Outgoing, or Foodie.

Financial Cheats
Set Exact Amount of Restaurant Funds
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: money [amount]
- Replace [amount] with the specific amount of Simoleons you want in your restaurant’s funds.
Remove Restaurant Bills
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: households.autopay_bills
- This cheat ensures your restaurant never has to worry about paying bills, removing financial strain.
Boost Profit Margins
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on your restaurant, hold down Shift, and select Set as Head to adjust profit margins and expenses, increasing net profits.
Restaurant Decor and Layout Cheats
Free Build Mode
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: bb.enablefreebuild
- Allows you to edit and build in any restaurant lot without restrictions, providing complete creative freedom.
Unlock All Build/Buy Mode Items
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement
- It unlocks all items typically gated behind career or progression milestones, allowing for more diverse and sophisticated restaurant decor.
Adjust Lighting and Ambiance
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: bb.moveobjects
- Combine this with bb.showhiddenobjects to place and adjust lighting fixtures and decor to perfect your restaurant’s ambiance.
Entertaining Cheats
Instantly Open/Close Restaurant
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on the restaurant sign, hold down Shift, and select Open/Close Restaurant to manage operating hours instantly.
Summon Specific Customers
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: sims.spawn
- After using the sims. spawn command, use traits.equip_trait [trait] to customize the spawned Sim as a specific type of customer, such as Foodie for enthusiastic diners.
Control Weather for Outdoor Dining
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: seasons.set_season [season]
- To ensure favorable weather conditions for outdoor seating, replace [season] with summer, winter, fall, or spring.
Enhanced Restaurant Customization Cheats
Unlock All Restaurant Items
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: bb.showliveeditobjects
- This cheat unlocks various hidden items in Build/Buy mode, giving you access to more decorations and furniture for your restaurant.
Free Rotation of Objects
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: bb.moveobjects on
- Allows you to place objects freely without grid restrictions, enabling more creative and precise layout designs.
Adjust Object Size
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Select an object and press Shift + ] to enlarge or Shift + [ to shrink the object, allowing for custom scaling of decor and furniture.
Staff and Patron Management Cheats
Make Employees Energized
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: sims.add_buff EnergizedHigh
- Instantly gives your employees a high-energy dlet, improving their work performance and speed.
Prevent Employee Hunger
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: sims.remove_buff Hunger_High
- Removes the hunger from employees, ensuring they can work longer without needing breaks.
Influence Customer Behavior
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: traits.equip_trait Trait_Happy
- Apply this trait to customers to make them consistently happy during their dining experience.

Advanced Financial Management Cheats
Instantly Earn Restaurant Profits
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: sims.modify_funds [amount]
- Replace [amount] with the desired number of Simoleons to add a specific profit to your restaurant funds.
Free Restaurant Supplies
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: objects.consumables_infinite_toggle
- Toggles infinite consumables, ensuring your restaurant never lacks ingredients or supplies.
Increase Menu Prices
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on the restaurant menu, hold down Shift, and select Edit Menu Prices to set higher prices for menu items, increasing your overall profit margins.
Customer Service Cheats
Boost Waitstaff Speed
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: sims.add_buff SuperEfficientWaiter
- Temporarily boosts your waitstaff’s speed and efficiency, reducing wait times for customers.
Increase Customer Tips
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: traits.equip_trait Generous
- Equip this trait to your customers to increase the tips they leave.
Instantly Clean Up
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: objects.gsi_set_obj_state clean
- Click on dirty dishes or messes and use this command to clean them up, instantly maintaining a spotless restaurant environment.
Specialized Employee Skills Cheats
Max Out Specific Skills
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10
- Use this for various skills:
- Major_HomestyleCooking
- Major_Baking
- Major_Mixology
Add Culinary Training
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: bucks.unlock_perk EmployeeTraining_Culinary true
- Instantly provides culinary training to chefs, improving their cooking skills and food quality.
Increase Waiter Patience
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: traits.equip_trait Observant
- Applying this trait makes waitstaff more patient and better at managing multiple tasks simultaneously.
Restaurant Environment Enhancements
Max Out Ambiance Scores
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: stats.set_stat commodity_Ambiance 100
- Sets the ambiance score of your restaurant to the maximum, creating a more appealing atmosphere for customers.
Control Music and Entertainment
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on music players or entertainment objects, hold down Shift, and select Set Volume or Change Station to control the environment’s audio settings.
Enhance Lighting Quality
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: bb.enablefreebuild
- Combine with bb.showhiddenobjects to access advanced lighting options and adjust the lighting to enhance the dining experience.
Miscellaneous Cheats
Teleport Sims Anywhere
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on any location, hold down Shift, and select Teleport Here to instantly move your SIM or any other SIM to that spot.
Extend Restaurant Operating Hours
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: Click on the restaurant, hold down Shift, and select Extend Hours to keep the restaurant open longer and serve more customers.
Force NPC Visits
- PC/PlayStation/Xbox: sims.spawnsimple
- Spawns an NPC at your restaurant to increase customer flow and activity.
Final Thoughts
Using these additional cheats and cheat codes for The Sims 4: Dine Out gives you even more control over your restaurant, ensuring a smooth and delightful experience for your employees and customers. These tricks allow you to fine-tune every aspect of your restaurant, from financial management to client happiness, resulting in the finest virtual dining experience possible.