Soul Calibur 5 is going to be at E3 in full force next week, but why wait until Tuesday to see Soul Calibur 5 in action? Below is the first gameplay video for Soul Calibur 5, hot off the presses from Namco Bandai.
In this Soul Calibur 5 first-look gameplay video, you’ll see an epic story unfold of warriors searching for the legendary Souls Swords in 17th-Century Europe. Taking place 17 years after the events of Soul Calibur 4, the heroic battles of Soul Calibur 5 occur in a fluid world in which the battle, movement and visual systems have all been tuned so players can pull-off dynamic attacks and battle with complete freedom.
But just check out the video for yourself, OK?
If you’d like to pre-order the game, go ahead and nab it from Amazon using these links: Soul Calibur 5 for Xbox 360 and Soul Calibur 5 for PS3