It’s happening all around you all the time. Technology has made the online world of gaming come to you in all shapes and forms, across a vast array of devices and platforms for gaming bliss. Like the feeling you get when overcoming the last level of your beloved firm favourite gaming title, some games just have to be admired for their lasting impact and skilful attention to detail.
Even though hard-core gamers would never give up their pristine life-like worlds, smooth game-play and realistic graphics that immerses you into a world of intangible danger. It must be said that every now and then it’s great to play a unique title that makes for fun gaming again.
What Is Indie Gaming?
Indie games are games that have been developed without the help of a publisher, which often means the developer of the title had little to no financial backup. Indie games are released online only and rely on the many Internet distribution channels to sell and market the game to the gaming public.
Indie games came to a pivotal point in the second half of 2000, where they started to gather momentum due to the new online distribution methods and development tools in offer.
The types of games on offer are usually far smaller than mainstream titles and less complicated. They are unique and creative and offer players a change in pace from the many mainstream online gaming options. They are usually nowhere near as sophisticated as the games you’d find at a site like Gaming Club NZ, but they offer something that’s very different.
Creativity In Gaming Is Dying
One of the biggest contributing factors to the rise of Indie games is the brilliant creativity displayed in the game’s overall appeal. They are different and unique and no one private games developer recreates the same aspects of the game in the same way.
It’s a nice change of pace from mainstream gaming, where once you’ve played a war game, you’ve kind of played them all. They all draw on the same kind of cards and it become mundane to let the game just become about pumping led into a lifeless character, displaying no real intelligence.
Indie games break this barrier and offer gaming enthusiasts a run for their dollar. They are unique and differ from the everyday casualty of war, in the sense that the game is something never seen before.
The Creative Control And Freedom
Unlike large gaming publishers like those behind Mario Bros and other big franchises, Indie game developers have complete creative control. They also consider their buyer persona and create a game that the public would enjoy and buy into.
With the age of information at anyone’s fingertips at any given time it’s easy to reach out to the public and start a conversation across a multitude of channels to anticipate the buyers behaviour and preferences.
Indie game developers also use technological tools, like the Internet and social media platforms to reach out to a mass load of people and capture important comments about what it is that they are working on, this has brought about engagement with the actual developer and that makes people more at ease when buying from private gaming developers.
Recapturing The Golden Age Of Gaming
Indie games aren’t just creative or unique. They extend back to a time where the games brutal simplicity was its utmost complexity. The pointless cycle of dying and reborn only to start back at square one will drive any gamer nuts, but that’s exactly the longevity of the title.
The genres simplistic graphics and nostalgic utterances back to the time of 8 bit pixel graphics floating about the screen, recaptures the golden age of gaming where it all started.