Gambling online can be a lot of harmless fun, but there are things you should do to make sure you stay safe. From using the right sites to protecting yourself, this guest post from Big Money Scratch looks at ways to stay safe when gambling online.
Only use licensed sites

Online gambling is regulated more than ever today – and rightly so. A big part of this is for a gambling site to have a licence that shows they are regulated, like by the UK Gambling Commission. This is an executive non-departmental public body of the UK government, responsible for regulating gambling and supervising gaming law in the UK. Licence details should be displayed on a site for users to read, like at the bottom of the home page.
Use reputable companies
Like when using most things online, reputation is key, so the first tip is to use a reputable company. Big online companies and gambling sites that are operated by larger established businesses, for instance, have a reputation to uphold. They can’t afford to rip off customers and will instead focus on providing fair gaming and a good game experience. It’s also worth checking customer reviews to get an idea of what people think of a gambling site before you use it.
Ensure you’re protected
It’s important to ensure both the site you use and the device you’re playing on are safe, secure and protected. For instance, you should use sites that use the latest secure data encryption technology. This ensures their servers are secure and they use firewalls to protect data as it is inputted and transferred online, like card payment details. You should also install the latest recommended security software to protect your computer or laptop, and phone if it’s available.
Be careful with your details
It’s also important to be careful with your personal details, such as login and payment card details. You should avoid sharing these – even with friends and family – so make sure they get their own account instead. Also, create a strong and complex password, try to avoid using auto login, and type your details in fully each time you use a site. This is especially important if you use gambling sites on your phone. If your phone is stolen, for instance, you could end up giving someone easy access to your account – and your money.
Be wary and keep informed
It’s also wise to be wary of things like scams and phishing when using a gambling site. So make sure the site you’re using is official and not fake and fraudulent by checking for things like the URL and trust seals. This goes hand in hand with checking a site is reputable and secure. It’s also worth keeping an eye on the news concerning stories about the sites you use. For example, a site might have been reported for having issues, a number of complaints, or could have changed hands to a less than reputable company.
Gamble responsibly
Finally, for your own personal health and safety, it’s important to gamble responsibly. Online gambling should be a bit of occasional fun, so you should do what you can to ensure it doesn’t become anything more than that. To help control your gambling and stop it from becoming an addiction, it’s a good idea to set yourself limits on the amount of money you spend. Also, give yourself a strict allocated time for you how long you gamble for in one sitting, and how often. All this can help make sure your online gambling remains the safe and fun activity it’s meant to be.