Warframe is a fun game that has become all the rage in the gaming world. The content, the weapons, everything in the game just keeps getting better and better with time. If you are starting with this game in 2022, then you’re in for an adrenaline rush.
However, some elements in the game could seem like a tough ride. For example, finding resources in Warframe is pretty hard, especially, some of the rarest ones like Plastids. A lot of people might know how you should be farming plastids, but many don’t know the right places to do the same.
Today, we’ll tell you about the best places to farm plastids in Warframe. Also, you’ll get to know the right missions that can get you tons of plastids. Read on to find all about it!
What are Plastids?
Plastids are a sort of rare resource just like Oxium, Neurodes, and so on. They are very hard to find. And the task becomes even more difficult for a beginner. Also, if you farm them, you can get these in only small amounts.
But, you need plastids, because these are an important part of a lot of crafting work you’ll do. Moreover, while you are in Dojo, working on new tech, plastids become all the more important. Apart from that, plastids are also required while planning for a future clan. So, it is recommended that you collect as many plastids as possible.
Best Places To Farm Plastids in Warframe
Finding plastids is very hard for newcomers since they might not know the right places to look for them. What most of the beginner players will do is go to random nodes in the Star Chart. That is going to be a waste of time and so, here are the places you want to go to for collecting plastids:
The best places to farm plastids in Warframe are Eris, Phobos, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. Also, the survival missions and other endless missions will fasten the plastid farming procedure. The reason being that you won’t have to waste time with these in jumping from one mission to another.
Here’s a quick tip: When on these missions, ensure that you farm for as long as possible to collect as many plastids as you can. So, the following is a detailed description of all the best places to farm plastids in Warframe:
If you are a beginner, then you will be able to play Phobos first. Phobos can give you around 10 to 30 plastids but it is pretty great for beginner players. As compared to other plastid farming locations, it doesn’t put much strain on the players. It is surely a good place to collect a couple of plastids, but you can farm them better in other places.
Once you are done with Phobos and feel like you can deal with more difficult locations, you should try out Eris. Or, you could also be looking forward to Pluto, Uranus, or Saturn.

As per the opinions of most of the players, Uranus is a great place to farm plastids. And the node you want to go to is Ophelia. This will be a survival mission which is like a quest. Here, you have to kill off enemies until you have the required number of plastids or other resources you want to collect. So, this is one of the very efficient ways of collecting plastids.
The basic way to do this is to find a dead end and camp in there. Besides, you’ll also get even better results if you have a Hydroid on your team. Hydroid has a fourth ability that enables him to do all the work on his own. To give you a better idea, when you farm plastids without Hydroids, you will get around 900 Plastids within 15 minutes.
But, with a Hydroid on your team, you’ll get more than 1000 plastids within the same time frame. So, this will help you attain over 4000 plastids within an hour. So, the job of farming plastids becomes pretty smooth there on forwards.
Also, in addition to Ophelia, Stephano is a good node to choose when on Uranus. And using Titan Extractors is yet another alternative in this case.

In addition to Uranus, Piscinas on Saturn is also a great place to farm plastids. Here, you can embark on the Dark Sector Survival mission that has a resource drop chance of +20%. This gets enhanced after every 5-minute rotation and this mission doesn’t have a time limit.
To succeed in the mission, you need to first look for a spot on your map that has a single entry point. Stay put there and the Infested will approach you. In this case, having Nekros as a team member with the Despoil augment mod will be helpful.
His Desecrate ability will re-roll all the loot tables of the killed enemies and that in turn will increase the total amount of plastids that you will get. Otherwise, you can go for Hydroid with Pilfering Swarm, or equip Khora along with Pilfering Stangledome. These too will increase the overall loot drops. Apart from Piscinas, the Helene node on Saturn is also a good call.
Saturn is preferred by a lot of gamers mainly because of the perks associated with this planet. There is less number of enemies to fight and also you get to enjoy the extra benefits of Nano Spores and Orokin Cells.
Lockers and Containers
Keep in mind that plastids can also drop off from lockers and other things like containers. So, open and check everything and anything that you find.
Resource Boosters
As a newcomer, you might not be familiar with the fact that the resource boosters you purchase affect the plastid drops too. So, it is better to get a 3-day booster pack. This will ensure that you receive an increased resource drop rate. And it specifically increases the number of plastids collected by 2.
Bottom Line
That was a detailed description of the best places to farm plastids in Warframe. And if you’ve read it carefully, then you’ll be greatly benefitted from it. This blog includes minute details like the nodes you should go to and the missions you should fight in for farming plastids. So, that’s all from our side, happy gaming, folks!