As we grow older, naturally the games we used to play as children lose their appeal. That doesn’t mean to say that adults don’t enjoy gaming – in fact, quite the opposite. We need escapism from our real-world troubles perhaps even more than children do. But are there any games that can effectively satiate the appetite of the over 18s? We’re going to answer this question by looking at the most popular types of adult games in recent years.

The horror genre in gaming is almost exclusively for mature audiences. There’s a good reason behind this. It’s absolutely harrowing (and we mean this in the best way possible). If you ever need some catharsis for the anxieties of daily life, there’s no better way to achieve this than screaming your way through the different levels of a horror game, destroying every demon that stands in your path. Experience true cosmic horror with games like The Call of Cthulhu, where Lovecraftian beasts and a feeling of existential dread loom over you. Or maybe try your luck with the Resident Evil franchise and fight against a self-serving megacorporation who have unleashed hellish creatures upon the human population. Doesn’t sound too dissimilar to the real world, right? Horror is an enduringly popular genre amongst mature audiences – not only because of the guts and gore but also because these games can be masterclasses in storytelling.
Many people struggle with the mundanity of adulthood and so turn to games with high risk vs high reward mechanics. This type of gaming ranges anywhere between the Hitman franchise (where more dangerous paths can reap greater rewards) to casino websites where people play slots online. Risk games are becoming increasingly popular with adults because they inject an element of excitement into their daily routine, but people should be careful not to overdo it with this type of gaming.
Sometimes, when the complications of the real-world become too much, it’s nice to strip everything back and just focus on survival. That’s what games of this genre allow you to do. They usually drop players into an open-world environment with the bare minimum of equipment. You’re expected to scavenge around, hunting for food and resources, all the while avoiding enemies and navigating dangerous pathways. Though the premise of survival games may seem simple, there’s no denying how compelling they are. They’re usually paired with elements of action, adventure or horror, too.
First-Person Shooter
Call of Duty is perhaps the most popular gaming franchise amongst adults, and it’s the perfect example of a first-person shooter, too. These types of games have photorealistic graphics to fully immerse players in their grittiness, allowing the rest of the world to drop away and for you to get into the flow of the game. This can be a therapeutic experience for some, though psychologists argue that first-person shooters are linked to inciting violence. As such, there’s some contention around them in the gaming community.
These are typically considered the most popular types of games for 18+ players because they add some excitement and escapism to the mundanity of adulthood.