Online gaming is games played by the use of a computer device. Most of these games require an internet connection. There are different types of games that can be played online. People tend to get addicted to just playing once. The online experience is user generated. Emotions experienced online are similar to the emotions experienced in the real world. Children and youths take a more significant percentage of addicts all over the world. Many video games are usually designed to be addictive, attracting large populations. Games are made interesting to keep players coming again.
Below are some of the reasons why online games are addictive;

Most of the addicts are good at playing their favorite games. The sense of conquering friends and opponents is self-satisfying. We all like to be associated with excellent performance. Players usually fight to become the best. When a player loses, they hope for a good result in the next game. And the hope for a better result keeps them coming for more games. Sooner or later, they become addicted. Addicts who are excellent performers also want to keep proving opponents that they are the giants.
Peer influence
This is most common with the youths and children. Online gaming comprises of people from all over the world. Individuals are sometimes lured by friends and family to engage in playing. By playing continuously, they become addicted. Students interact with their fellows and learn about favorite games on the internet even though s128 does not encourage parents to allow students to play online games. A player can also develop an interest in playing when they notice there is an outstanding player somewhere. They follow the results of such maestros and become addicted.
The surrounding of an individual has a more considerable influence on their gaming life. Sometimes even when an individual intends to stop gaming, they receive news from family, friends, and relatives about money or items won through gaming. This makes an individual involve in playing games so that they have the same feeling of winning.
Rewards and gamer points
Players will tend to spend a lot of time trying to beat the highest set record. They also spend much time trying to beat the best gamers online. Some gaming sites also rewards the best gamers. These rewards boost the morale of gamers and make them keep coming for more. Therefore, for a player to get more reward, they must spend more time playing online. Sometimes individuals meet online and tend to compete amongst themselves. Competition makes gaming interesting. Players, therefore, become addicted.
Gaming comes with a sense of fun that players majorly gain when they win. However, not every individual who visits the gaming site has the motive or objective of winning. After a long day’s activity, some usually want to visit the sites and have fun playing.
Scientific studies have proved that gaming addiction is also influenced by chemical factors. These factors include dopamine in the brain, which doubles when one plays a game. Gaming sites through s128 have the mandate and permit to provide such services. Adults are also affected by gaming addiction today.